Friday 3 December 2021

My Reading

 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.


 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

For reading we found our own Muppet songs and put who they song was by when was the song realest and what the title is.


 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

For spelling we have been finding words in mixed up letters. These were the letters that i had.

and these were the words that i made


Thursday 2 December 2021


 W.A.L.T Understand advent

For R.E i made a screen castify. This is the video below if you want you can check it out.


W.A.L.T Understand advent  

For R.E we did facts about advent. The facts were 1: The Christmas countdown. 2: 4 weeks before Christmas. 3: remember Jesus birth.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

My Mask

 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

For reading i designed a mask. We need masks now because of Covid.

A book I have read this year

 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

This year I read Billionaire Boy by David Walliams 

Who was the main character? 
Joe Spudd   

What did the character want?

He wanted to go to a normal school.

What was the problem?
The problem was that he had no friends.

What was the solution?
The solution was Mr. Spudd realised that money wasn't the most important thing.


Thursday 25 November 2021

Gods Covenants

 W.A.L.T understand gods covenants

For R.E we made a slideshow about Noah, Abraham and Moses. anyway hope you like my slideshow.

Tuesday 23 November 2021

Symmetrical Art

 W.A.L.T create symmetrical art.

For maths me and my class have been creating symmetrical art like my photo. anyway i hope you like it, it is symmetrical because its the same on both sides. 

Monday 22 November 2021

Symmetrical Sculpture

W.A.L.T make a sculpture that is symmetrical 

For maths me and my class made sculptures that were symmetrical anyway hope you like my sculpture and bye.


Bible Reference

 W.A.L.T understand the virtue of serving

John 13:1-17 For R.E we had to make a comic strip about when Jesus washed his disciples feet. Anyway i hope you like my comic strip!

Thursday 18 November 2021

Communion of Saints

 W.A.L.T learn about a saint.

this week i made a slide show with my friend Aiden about some facts about saint Patrick anyway hope you enjoy the slide show and bye.

Monday 8 November 2021

Communion of saints

 W.A.L.T know who is part of the communion of saints.

For r.e we are talking about people who are living and that are dead anyway hope you like the google doc and bye.

Friday 5 November 2021

Problem and solutions

 WALT: find a problem and a solution.

This is my slide show showing why sea animals are dying and a way of solving it.


 WALT: share our work.

This is the screen castify I made showing how i worked out my maths question.

Oil spills

  W.A.L.T Write an Explanation
Oil spills are a massive problem mostly because sea animals are dying. That is sad but that is not the only thing bad about oil spills also because the environment is dying. Did you know in 2018 about 137 oil spills happened.  


Did you know that in 1983 a Spanish tanker called Castillo de Bellver caught fire off Cape Town in 1983 and spilled over 78 million gallons of oil into the sea.

Also In 1979, there was a collision between two different tankers near the islands of Trinidad and Tobago. The combined total oil spilled in the ocean surpassed 83 million gallons. To make matters worse, while one of the ships was being towed to shore, it spilled another 41 million gallons into the sea.

 Anyway I think that's enough facts. Let's get into the solution. If you tighten your bolts on the engine of your boat it's more unlikely a oil spill will happen.

Thursday 4 November 2021

Christmas decoration brainstorm

W.A.L.T We are learning to make Christmas decorations.

For inquiry we are making Christmas decorations but first we are doing a brainstorm to decide what were going to do.

The Earth Is Speaking To Us

 W.A.L.T The Earth Is Speaking To Us

For reading i did a poster about how we can take care of are environment hope you like it and bye.

Tuesday 2 November 2021

The Environment

W.A.L.T think of problems and solutions

for reading we are making a poster about how the environment is fighting to survive. 

Thursday 28 October 2021

Africa Drumming

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our experiences 

On Tuesday me my class and other classes went to this African drumming it was fun some people got to drum. Anyway I hope you like the picture and bye. They were called the Kadoo Drummers. 

Tuesday 26 October 2021

The Dump

W.A.L.T reflect on our experiences

on Friday we went to the dump we got to hold worms, make there beds and use there pee to water plants its more exiting then it sound it was good but did not smell the best.

My favourite part was holding a worm. 

Friday 22 October 2021


 WALT: Identify prior knowledge

for reading we have been talking about problems in our Environment like oil spills, cutting down trees and forest fires so i hope you enjoy my KWL and bye

Friday 17 September 2021

Maori Week!

 W.A.L.T learn a new language

Me and my class have been doing a Maori slide show the slide show is under the writing so check it out hope you like it and see you in the next blog.

Friday 10 September 2021

Graphic Novels

WALT: understand by identifying events from the plot

When it was lock down we started learning about graphic novels well having to stay home but now were back at school and were still learning about graphic novels. We had to read books on epic then do the quiz after that we had to put are scores on this slide. 

sourced from me

what did you do during lock down?

Thursday 26 August 2021

Number Story's

W.A.L.T Add and subtract using compatible numbers.

For Wednesday i did a number story for each the equations on the picture if you want to check out my number story's there below the picture hope you like them bye.

1. Bob bought 12 Playstations then bought 3 Xbox ones, 8 Nintendos and 4 computers then sold 19 gaming consoles. How many gaming consoles did he have left? 

2. Tim bought 20 jelly beans 70 chocolate bars 40 jaffas and eat 20 of each how many did he have left?

Monday 23 August 2021

The Pet Dragon

 W.A.L.T Use a simile

For writing I had to make a story about this picture at the bottom with similes hope you like it. 

Tuesday 17 August 2021


W.A.L.T Reflect on exciting experiences. 

Today my entire school went to assembly to met Emma Twigg the Olympic rower it was cool and one of my first times meeting a celebrity. My favourite part was when she was talking about never giving up.

Monday 16 August 2021

New Testament KWL

 Today we did a KWL about the new testament here is what i did hope you like my 😀😀😀😃😄

Friday 6 August 2021

Auntie Fluff

 W.A.L.T  make connections in text  

 Auntie Fluff won the chicken Olympics. She won gold and no silver no bronze.    

Thursday 5 August 2021

Why Kid Should Do Sports

 WALT: Make connections to texts

I have been learning why kid should do sports and why they should not hope you like it.

Emma Twigg article

W.A.L.T make connection in texts.

 For the week i have been working on a Emma Twigg article and this is what I have  done hope you like it.

 Emma Twigg Wrecks The Competition

By Tai

Emma Twigg won the single women's rowing in the Tokyo Olympics on Friday

On Friday the finals of the single sculls rowing happened. Twigg was in the lead for the whole race. A fish jumped out of the water. At the end of the race Emma was really happy. 

Emma Twigg began rowing in 2001 for Hawks

Bay rowing club and Napier's Girls high school. In two years she was already presenting in New Zealand for the first time.

In conclusion, we can't wait for the next Olympics.

Tuesday 3 August 2021

The Boy With Wings

 Today we went to see a puppet show about a boy hunting for a boy with wings so his apple trees would grow it was cool and fun. I hope they come back next year :)

have you seen it?

Red hat

 W.A.L.T  Make connections to texts

Today I made a red hat with texts saying how I feel about sport. Hope you like it and I will try to do a new post more often.  

Thursday 29 July 2021

White hat

W.A.L.T Make connections to texts

Today  I made a white hat of the Olympics it is only 3 facts. But I will keep you updated for more.


Monday 5 July 2021

Billionaire Boy Book Review

 Billionaire boy is a book by David Walliams, if you don't know David Walliams is a famous author. He has written a lot of books like Gangsta Granny, Ratburger and  A Boy in a Dress! There are many amazing books, you can read David Walliams books at your nearest library to you. Billionaire boy is a popular book made by David Walliams but how many books are there? I can tell you that they have about thirty-two million copies in total! 

Joe Spud is the main character and  a great kid. He was rich and didn't want to go to his posh school, so he decided to go to a normal school. He kept his money a secret...

I  would say Joe is a nice, caring, and grateful billionaire. Bob is Joe´s first friend at his new school. He is a nice person, but not very grateful for what he is given. He eats a lot of chocolate and he loses in cross country a lot.  

I think this book is a great book because it's got lots of thrilling adventure and drama. I would rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5! This is a book in my opinion for ages  5+.  

In conclusion, I really think you should read it. Find it at your nearest library.          

Friday 25 June 2021

billionaire boy review

W.A.L.T Write a book review.

Billionaire boy

Billionaire boy is a book by David Walliams, if you don't know David Walliams is a famous author. He has written a lot of books like Gangsta Granny, Ratburger and  A Boy in a Dress! There are many amazing books, you can read David Walliams books at your nearest library to you. Billionaire boy is a popular book made by David Walliams but how many books are there? I can tell you that they have about thirty-two million copies in total! 


Joe Spud is the main character and  a great kid. He was rich and didn't want to go to his posh school, so he decided to go to a normal school. He kept his money a secret...

I  would say Joe is a nice, caring, and grateful billionaire. 

Bob is Joe´s first friend at his new school. He is a nice person, but not very grateful for what he is given. He eats a lot of chocolate and he loses in cross country a lot. 

I think this book is a great book because it's got lots of thrilling adventure and drama. I would rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5!
This is a book in my opinion for ages  5+. 

In conclusion, I really think you should read it. Find it at your nearest library.          

Monday 24 May 2021

Being Trustworthy

 W.A.L.T  understand the meaning of trustworthy

For R.E my class had been making slideshows about trustworthy I made one about not being trustworthy always finds a way to come back to you. 

Friday 21 May 2021


W.A.L.T writing a haiku
My class has been learning about a haiku if you don't know a haiku is, it's a another type of poem. I have been learning about 2 different poems but were talking about a haiku . 


Friday 14 May 2021

Refugee Walk

 W.A.L.T  write a brief

On Monday I did a refugee walk with all the seniors including me. We got to do these cool activities 1. dodging fake bombs with blindfold 2. Building huts 3. eating Rice from are hands 4. Reading different languages and writing what they say down. My favourite activity was the blindfold one. It was really fun but I loved all the activities. If you didn't know a refugee is a person who had to leave their country because of the war.

Thursday 13 May 2021

Ben The Hen

 W.A.L.T write a limerick 

We have been learning about limericks. I have been doing it with my friend Hunter. If you did not know a limerick is a sort of poem. It is where the 2 first sentences have to rhyme with each other its the same as sentence 3 and 4 they have to rhyme but not with sentence 1 and 2.  

  There once was a hen named Ben, 

He lived in a pen with men,

They ate a lot of jam,

While bathing in ham,

That was the end of Ben.

Wednesday 12 May 2021

The Mass


W.A.L.T  identify the 4 parts of the Mass

My class is learning about mass so I did the 4 steps of mass 

1. introducing rites  2. liturgy of the word 3. liturgy of the Eucharist 4. concluding rites. I made all of these on scratch it helps you learn how to code check it out.

Friday 16 April 2021

writing report

 W.A.L.T write information report

in room 2 we have Been researching and learning about New Brighton catholic School (NBC). We looked at time capsules, interviewed Mss Daines (the principal) to find cool facts to put in the report click this link if you want to see the full report

Tuesday 13 April 2021

Jesus’s resurrection

 W.A.L.T Understand the traditions of holy week

I am doing thinking hats for a Jesus story green hat, black hat, yellow hat, red hat, white hat

Wednesday 31 March 2021


 W.A.L.T Represent data in different graphs

In room 2 we are learning about graphs. I have been using a really cool site called data Graphs look below and you will see my example. This is for our statistics study in Mathematics. 


Thursday 25 March 2021

construction of a waka

W.A.L.T summaries information across texts

Walt: to explain the change in these technologies over time

this i my drawing of the waka constructing. 1 Constructing a waka 2 moving logs 3 hauling the waka

Prayer routine

 W.A.L.T create a prayer routine 

In room 2 I made a slide show with my buddies it had two year 6s and two year 5s.

We were praying for animals.

My favourite part was adding pictures to make it look good. 

Monday 15 March 2021

Spelling words

W.A.L.T Form new words  

In reading were doing some spelling. Our spelling is making 15 wordsout of random letters,

the letters we are making it out of are nafodieultein. If you know more words, let me know. 

Friday 12 March 2021

swimming sports

 W.A.L.T Remember the events of swimming sports in a recount form. 

in swimming sports i swan not much cause you only did to two swimming entry's.

Thursday 11 March 2021

Inquiry Work

W.A.L.T make connections with how different animals adapted                                                           environment for inquiry .                                                                                                                                                                                                   Im researching about an animal this is mine. I chose the panda, they live in the forest. 

What animal would you pick ?

Thursday 4 March 2021

Robin Hood and The Silver Trophy

 W.A.L.T Retell the story in sequence and with detail.

im doing a retell of a book called robin hood and the silver trophy and i made it in storybookthat hope you like it

robin hood is robbing a rich person,   hes now practise his archery,   he wins,

Tuesday 2 March 2021

Billionaire Boy Book Review

 W.A.L.T use visual and language features to market a book 

In class were reading the book Billionaire Boy. We are doing a review of Billionaire Boy for our reading hot spot activity.

My camp letter

 W.A.L.T show our appreciation in a written letter

My favourite thing was getting to rest

Friday 26 February 2021

Hot Spot reflection

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our learning 

This week for hotspots I did the acrostic poem well. 
Next time I would try to complete more

Reading Follow Up Task

W.A.L.T. Explain the purposes of headings, diagrams, content pages, table of contents, indexes, glossary's, maps, and chapters.

 Below is our solar system, as you can see, Earth is the 3rd planet and you can see the eye of Jupiter its the purple part of it.


Joe Spudd Acrostic Poem

 W.A.L.T Describe a fictional character 

Below is my acrostic poem for Joe Spud. He is a character from our class novel Billionaire Boy. 

Friday 12 February 2021

Hotspot reflection

WALT: complete my three challenges for my first hotspot 

i am really happy about my camp challenges activity. One thing I would do better next time is to spend an equal amount of time on all challenges. 

What activity would you do first?