Monday 5 July 2021

Billionaire Boy Book Review

 Billionaire boy is a book by David Walliams, if you don't know David Walliams is a famous author. He has written a lot of books like Gangsta Granny, Ratburger and  A Boy in a Dress! There are many amazing books, you can read David Walliams books at your nearest library to you. Billionaire boy is a popular book made by David Walliams but how many books are there? I can tell you that they have about thirty-two million copies in total! 

Joe Spud is the main character and  a great kid. He was rich and didn't want to go to his posh school, so he decided to go to a normal school. He kept his money a secret...

I  would say Joe is a nice, caring, and grateful billionaire. Bob is Joe´s first friend at his new school. He is a nice person, but not very grateful for what he is given. He eats a lot of chocolate and he loses in cross country a lot.  

I think this book is a great book because it's got lots of thrilling adventure and drama. I would rate this book 4.5 stars out of 5! This is a book in my opinion for ages  5+.  

In conclusion, I really think you should read it. Find it at your nearest library.          

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Tai,

    What an excellent book review. I found it interesting to read as it included facts about the author and gave an insight into the book. Including your own opinion about why you thought it was great and how many stars you rated it has made me think about purchasing it for my nieces for their birthdays.

    Keep up the great learning and blogging,
    :) Sharon - Te Ara Tūhura Education Programme Leader


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