Tuesday 21 April 2020

The Megalodon Shark

The meg shark lived millions of years ago.

He is gigantic with razor sharp teeth, scales and fins.

Megalodons eat mammals, other sharks, whales and dolphins.

The meg prefers to hunt at night and usually alone like other Sharks.

Cool facts about megalodons are that they are extinct. Megalodons meaning is big tooth.

i believe there still alive.


  1. Hi Tai
    I am scared of sharks, and this one looks ENORMOUS!!!! I like how you have told me some interesting facts about the Megalodon shark, as I knew nothing about it. What other animals do you know that are extinct?

    1. moa dinos dodo bird

    2. Kia Ora Tai,

      when replying make sure you use full sentences so it makes sense. Don't forget to greet the person who has commented on your post.

  2. Kia Ora Tai,

    Well done with attaching a picture to your blog post, it certainly makes it engaging. I found it interesting learning about how the meglodons are like other sharks, as I have never heard of them before. Next time you could add more detail and group similar ideas into paragraphs. This would help expand your writing. Is the meglodon your favourite animal, if not what animal is your favourite?

    Miss Hart

    1. sharks are my favourite animal.

    2. Hi Tai,

      That is a cool animal to have as your favourite animal. It is great that you know so much about them. Have you ever looked into how we can protect sharks?


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