Monday 11 May 2020

How to make a book

Goal - To come up with good characters and story.

Equipment needed - Paper, stapler, crayons and pens.


1- Fold as many A4 pieces of paper you want. Three a4 pieces of paper to give you 6 pages for your book.

2 - Staple along the edge to create a book.

3 - Make the cover page. Use your characters on your cover and make your cover colourful and put your title.

4 - Write your story. To make it interesting so people want to read your book.


  1. Hi Tai
    I really like your instructions on how to make a book. I like how you have numbered all your steps to make the instructions easy to follow. My favourite bit is your goal, it is a great idea to write a goal as it gives you something to work towards. It would be cool to know what your story is about.

  2. Kia Ora Tai,

    Well done with your writing. I like how you included pictures to go with your step by step instructions. Your next step is to add more detail to your instructions so they are specific.

    What do you like to write about?

    Miss Hart

    1. ive edited my instructions.

  3. wow great job a you going to make books and sell them for money?


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