Friday 3 December 2021

My Reading

 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.


 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

For reading we found our own Muppet songs and put who they song was by when was the song realest and what the title is.


 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

For spelling we have been finding words in mixed up letters. These were the letters that i had.

and these were the words that i made


Thursday 2 December 2021


 W.A.L.T Understand advent

For R.E i made a screen castify. This is the video below if you want you can check it out.


W.A.L.T Understand advent  

For R.E we did facts about advent. The facts were 1: The Christmas countdown. 2: 4 weeks before Christmas. 3: remember Jesus birth.

Wednesday 1 December 2021

My Mask

 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

For reading i designed a mask. We need masks now because of Covid.

A book I have read this year

 W.A.L.T Review the reading strategies that we have learnt this term.

This year I read Billionaire Boy by David Walliams 

Who was the main character? 
Joe Spudd   

What did the character want?

He wanted to go to a normal school.

What was the problem?
The problem was that he had no friends.

What was the solution?
The solution was Mr. Spudd realised that money wasn't the most important thing.