Friday 26 February 2021

Hot Spot reflection

 W.A.L.T Reflect on our learning 

This week for hotspots I did the acrostic poem well. 
Next time I would try to complete more

Reading Follow Up Task

W.A.L.T. Explain the purposes of headings, diagrams, content pages, table of contents, indexes, glossary's, maps, and chapters.

 Below is our solar system, as you can see, Earth is the 3rd planet and you can see the eye of Jupiter its the purple part of it.


Joe Spudd Acrostic Poem

 W.A.L.T Describe a fictional character 

Below is my acrostic poem for Joe Spud. He is a character from our class novel Billionaire Boy. 

Friday 12 February 2021

Hotspot reflection

WALT: complete my three challenges for my first hotspot 

i am really happy about my camp challenges activity. One thing I would do better next time is to spend an equal amount of time on all challenges. 

What activity would you do first?